With the help of generous support from friends and family, we got a box of masks send to Uganda. Thank you all of you who donated! If you are so inclined, you can still donate on our Facebook page.
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We got on the cover of Radio Magazine (无线电 in Chinese). Radio Magazine has the longest publishing history and the largest circulation among all electronics and radio communication newspapers and magazines in the world!
We built a device to measure the static charge on a mask. One of the versions of the device looks like a bug. That’s the one that made the front page.
We have a six-page spread in this illustrious magazine that lays out the instructions on how to build one:
More about the device:
We have designed it so that it patent-pending in China, but open-source for non-commercial use in the rest of the world. This means you can build your own! So we offer you a finished product, but we also have a kit where you can solder it yourself for hobbyists. Or, if you are hard0core, you can even download the pdf instructions (currently only in Chinese) and build one from scratch!
Demo of PMRB
The above video shows how PMRB type box works.
Old mask without cleaning and recharging.
I washed the mask and static charge was gone. After having dried it, I tested it. It behaved even worse than old masks. The readout on the PM meter raised quickly.
After having a washed mask recharged, it returned it to like new. It can block small smoke particulars and the readout on the PM meter raised slowly.
Indigogo launching soon
We still don’t have an official launch date, but we hope to launch by the end of the month. Below is the video we created for the campaign.
Larry Brilliant on the pandemic
This is a great, level-headed TED talk from the man who eradicated smallpox about the current state of affairs of COVID-19. Yes, it’s a terrible disease and a serious pandemic, yes it’s more deadly than we thought it would be, yes we could have handled it better, and yes it will take a long time to get a vaccine. But we have handled it much better and were more prepared than we have been in the past. This is not the zombie apocalypse and most people in the world will not die. We are now in an age where pandemics are the norm and we will have to adapt.
I created this infographic to show the features of the Mask Reborn Box and how it works.
MAP at MIT Hackathon
We entered the MIT hackathon Africa Take on COVID-19. Here are some pictures from our weekend prototype:
Mask Explainer videos
I found these 3 great videos that explain how protective masks work.
The above video explains different maks, how they get contaminated, and the latest research on the methods of decontamination. Our device uses the latest proven methods and goes one step further by renewing the static charge and solves a number of problems presented in the video.
The above video explains the difference between a respirator (N95 facemask mask) and a face mask (surgical mask). A respirator is designed to help the person wearing it, while a medical mask is designed to protect a person from the person who is wearing the mask. He also talks about the surprising finding that there is little difference between the two as far as protection from COVID-19. He concludes that you could use anything that works as a “barrier protection against droplets.”
The above video uses animations to explain the fascinating physics of how face masks and respirators work.
How Static Helps Block COVID-19
I found these great images by Sharon Zhou that explains in one cartoon why static electricity on a mask is so important for protection against COVID-19
The MAP Project is building a device that will recharge the static electricity on your mask that gets lost when sanitizing.
COVID-19 Dashboards
I have found some useful dashboards for tracking the spread of COVID-19
I hate to use the word “cool” when describing something so serious, but this is a really cool chart that makes me feel like I am in some top-secret government bunker somewhere.
If you want to see just the numbers, WorldOMeter has gathered them all in an easy to read site.
This last one only show the reported numbers for China.